


The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - HACCP system - is a preventive system that seeks the production of safe food. This principle is based in the application of technical and scientific principles in the production and handling of food from production to the consumer's table.

The implementation of the HACCP System, facilitates the fulfillment of the legal requirements set out in 852/2004 Regulation and allows a more efficient use of the resources in the immediate response to issues related to food safety.

The people involved in the production and distribution process as well as the consumer must have all the necessary information about the product and the procedures related to it. In resume, it will be possible to identify the place where a hypothetical contamination may have occurred, allowing us to determine the way it could have been avoided.

Always concerned about the maximum quality of every product it sells, Macro-Frio, SA constantly implements the HACCP, having defined all the inherent prerequisites, the principles, and the application of the HACCP plans.

What is HACCP?
HACCP is an internationally recognized acronym for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point or Hazard Analysis and Critical Point Control.
HA = Hazard analysis
CCP = Critical Control Points
HAZARD = Danger
The system HACCP it is based on the application of technical and scientific principles in the production and handling of foodstuffs from “the meadow to the plate”.
